Health Comes First

What does health mean to you?

We believe health is something to be valued, invested in and taken seriously. And at HCF your health genuinely comes first. That’s because as a not-for-profit, every cent of profit we make goes back to our members, instead of being divided among shareholders.

Our ‘Health Comes First’ campaign reflects the importance of health, and recognises health means different things to different people. It features a range of real Australians, some of whom have conquered serious health issues.

Breast cancer survivor Deb and double-amputee Jade were happy to share their stories. We’re inspired by their strength and positivity – we hope you are too.

Deb Shirley

Pilates teacher Deb is living proof that breast cancer can happen to anyone. 

She was proactive in getting a diagnosis after finding a breast lump. She was equally proactive about her treatment, opting for a double-mastectomy.

Jade Wheatley

Jade was just 19 when he lost both his legs following a work-related accident.

Today the father of two is more active than many thirty-something men. He’s also a competitive surfer.