The HCF Research Foundation’s mission is to improve the delivery of health services in Australia for the benefit of its members and for all Australians. We do this by funding research projects that focus on new ways to provide high quality care to improve patient outcomes.

The HCF Research Foundation is making its 9th annual call for research projects to deliver $1 million in funding to the research community in health care areas that provide opportunity to significantly improve health services.

The HCF Research Foundation is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from research teams interested in funding for health services research to begin in 2020.

EOI’s are invited for research projects that specifically address the following topics:

  • Innovative health care models that encourage the right care in the right setting with a particular emphasis on providing safe and high quality alternatives to hospital based care which facilitate consumer choice and access; 
  • Research projects that provide a solution to reduce known health care variation in hospital care as demonstrated in The Australian Atlas of Healthcare Variation Series published by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Applications involving collaborations between investigators from a range of backgrounds, including career researchers, practicing clinicians, policy makers, and the private sector are encouraged. Those proposals that demonstrate a considered approach to translation of the findings into practice will be given priority.

Research grants awarded by the HCF Research Foundation for 2019 ranged in value from $80,000 to $275,000.

Applications will be assessed on scientific merit as well their ability to affect meaningful change to health services provision. Applications that demonstrate a strong opportunity and considered approach for translation of research outcomes into practice will be considered favourably.

EOIs received after 5:00pm AEST on Thursday, 27 June 2019 will not be considered.

EOIs will only be accepted on the forms available at