Ten tips for working parents

Health Agenda

Ten tips for working parents

It’s a juggling act. Arm yourself with smart strategies to help you balance work and family life.

Fit&Well blog
March 2015

Looking after your family and career demands creativity and good organisation. Here are some pointers from Workskills Australia.

  1. Routine is important. Children can become overwhelmed by constant changes.
  2. Regular chores, if your kids are old enough, let them contribute to helping the family.
  3. Get organised the night before: schoolbags, clothing – it saves time in the morning.
  4. Cook double quantities and freeze half for a meal in a hurry when you need it.
  5. Rethink your priorities. There are only so many hours in the day – less important household chores can wait.
  6. Regular bedtimes ensure your child is adequately rested.
  7. Do one big shop once a week to save time on work days.
  8. No TV in the morning. It’s just a distraction you and your family don’t need.
  9. Have a sick day plan in place for when your child falls ill.
  10. Reach out. Ask other parents if they want to carpool and share child-minding duties.


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